Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Hardest Part of Training

“The hardest part of training is making the decision to start training at all.”
– Wolfgang Gullich

There are basically three ways to go into a training plan:

1 – gung ho
2 – slow and steady
3 – just do it

At Beachbody our programs try and address all three. P90X attempts the gung ho approach. Step 1 in the diet guide is throw out your junk and it gets tougher from there. This tends to work because people buy the X after doing something else, so they’re ready for round two.

Our more “mellow” programs, like Yoga Booty Ballet, adopt a more mild approach where you start slow and eliminate negative things each week as you ramp up your training.

In between, we have the “just do it” approach where we provide a quick start guide for those who don’t want to bother with a lot of planning and just want to get started.

My general guide for training is the slow and steady. That in no way means it’s the best approach. It’s just the one that works the best for me. My everyday life is fun and active. To actually make up my mind to train requires me to play mind games on myself.

Gung ho is the most fun because it makes you feel like Rocky. Its downside is that when you’re fit to begin with you can end up inflicting a lot of damage, making recovery slower and maore painful than it normally would be. It can leave you feeling as though you’d rather be out playing which, for me, is a healthy option that’s not always the best for obtaining objectives. I also tend to injure myself when I do this. Not because it’s dangerous, in theory, but because I can be kind of an idiot when it comes to seeing how far I can push my physical envelope.

The just do it approach is too random for me. Since I exercise anyway, if I’m not training and I’m in a gym I feel as though I’m just spinning my wheels. I need a plan and an objective.

So I generally opt for slow and steady. When I begin a program I make it easy to stay on it. This way I’ll keep doing it because it’s not too different from my regular routine. As I make alterations to my program, I tend to get more motivated towards the ultimate goal of the training cycle. It also preps my body so that I’m less likely to overtrain once I get into crazy mode.

So this week is easy. I’m just making sure to get my exercise in and trying not to eat too badly. Next week, I’ll make a transition. The following, I’ll ramp this into three intense weeks that will finish off phase one.

But that’s just me. You need to find which approach works best for you. You’ve already done the hardest part, which is deciding to start in the first place.

vid: re-post of my project video to see if it plays better on You Tube or Facebook. This is why it’s easy not to train. It’s fun to just go climbing. But if I really want to do this entire linkage, training is a must. A lot of training.


Grover said...

Good points Steve - I never thought about it in those terms. I'm about to get back in myself, and just always considered (and operated) myself a 'just do it' kind of guy. Until I read this post though I didn't realize that I DO tend to push to hard to fast and then get disappointed that 25 pull ups or a 30 mile ride avg'ing 22 mph isn't just 'part of the routine'. Thanks for realization!

CT Olson said...

Interesting. When I started my BB journey with P90x a year ago, my prime directive so to speak was to finish. I was really concerned about my shoulder mainly but also other stuff breaking down because it's happened before - hurting my ITB overtraining for Boston etc. Luckily or perhaps thanks to the program I think the overall balance of the workouts including yoga which I was never into before that, caused minimal pain and suffering and no injuries thank goodness. That did not mean I didn't give it effort I did. But I also used down time and rest. Ended up doing some doubles I'll admit it. But I also did take the advice on rest between rounds though - overtraining is something I'm prone to at times when I get focused on something.

AlfaSunshine said...

I need a good challenge. And for me the goal is about body transformation and money ;) I'm kind of a mix of all 3 of the get to training ways you talked about...right now i'm looking at just do it slow and steady...I try to just do it and get 20 workouts in in 30 days...I am over weight so in 90 days I want to be at a healthy weight of 150 for me (I'm pushing 175 now)...that is the body transformation goal...I am also in sales (real estate and beachbody) and I've fallen off the prospecting wagon which is basically the kiss of death for challenge for that is just do it gung ho...I am a great prospector and I am commiting to having 14 prospecting work days in may and making 18 contacts those days...I have already set my goal for may for that so I'll just take that one 30 days at a time.

thanks for the challenge...I will check back here for accountability...

TheThinker said...

You seem to be having fun, what level are you climbing at? Looks like a V5-6. Nice job, I So freaken hate winter. I cant climb, I can only hangboard or campus (which flares up my tendonitis on some occasions).